Blue Goose Designs BLue Goose Poses

Blue Goose Designs BLue Goose Poses
BLue Goose Designs and Poses for Second Life

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Big Changes

Well as most of you know I was co-owner of NLimbo Poses. And designed many poses for 2 years. BLue Goose came around as a way to do something different and so I wouldn't be bored. I had always wanted to make clothes but wasnt ever sure how till I got to playing around with it. Having two separate businesses was hard on me I felt one would suffer while working on another. But that is all in the past I have combined my sl/rl boyfriend, Michael, and my poses together with BLue Goose. NLimbo Poses sad to see it go was a starting point and was a good 2 years but things needed to change, we needed to change, and we had changed just hadnt taken it all with us. I feel great about this and have so many great ideas and plans to make things better for everyone :) so keep in touch stop by inworld and subscribe or join the BLue Goose Group.

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